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《Nights of Plague/瘟疫之夜》作者:[土]奥尔罕·帕慕克Orhan P

时间:2023-10-06 13:50 Tags: 点击量:

This is both a historical novel and a history written in the form of a novel. In this story of what took place during the most eventful and momentous six months in the life of the island of Mingheria, pearl of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, I have also included many tales from the history of this country I love so dearly.
Introductions to history books about the Orient and the Levant, or the East and the Eastern Mediterranean, will always touch upon problems of transliteration and seek to explain how ancient local scripts have been rendered into the Latin alphabet. I am glad not to have written yet another of those dreary books. There is no match for the Mingherian alphabet and language anyway! In some cases I have used the original spelling of local names, and in others I have written them as they are pronounced. The existence of a city in Georgia with a similar spelling is a simple coincidence. But it is entirely intentional, and certainly no coincidence, that many things in this book will seem as familiar to the reader as old and nearly forgotten memories.